Just finished creating our new 2012 Christmas card. I know it's after midnight, but Shutterfly was having some technical difficulties today. Thank goodness they resolved them so I could use my coupon code for free cards! Only ordered a few, but that's more than the ZERO I ordered last year. We went to Azalea Park in Summerville this evening with Sister and some of her crew (we left before the arrival of her eldest child & his daughter). Wish we'd gone earlier to have a few more minutes of light. Might've had more smiling pics from which to choose. Personally, I feel the pic on the far right depicts us perfectly. Chris and I are keeping it together with big smiles (fake or sincere? you be the judge), Rea is completely apathetic and B is showing her frustration with a signature pout. I should have that blown up and put over the mantle for posterity. As soon as we got there, Rea took off without us. We kept calling her back over, but she would say "Nobody cares about me!" She spouts random crap like that all the time, so I wasn't phased. And then it became the phrase to say. Even Chris was saying it! We'd walk to a bench... where's Reagan? do you want to sit here? over there? well we're already sitting! "Nobody cares about me!!" someone would shout. Ah, family. I still think I'd like to try it again earlier in the day... with snacks.