My sister is a water drinker. Plastic cup. Lots of ice. She craves it. I don't think that's normal.
I like water when I'm exercising, but otherwise I want a beverage with flavor. I use powder mixes to add taste (and sometimes they even have antioxidants and such). I have to be really thirsty to bother with plain water. Really thirsty. The thing that bites me in the tush is that my additives add additives. Okay, I'm drinking water, but basically every non-alcoholic beverage has water as the main ingredient. Just take a look at the ingredients list of any drink. Yep, water is numero uno. So in order to err on the side of goodness, I've switched to Wal-Mart water!
Sam's Choice brand Clear American Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water Beverage, to be exact. I love all the flavors too. I know it has aspartame in it and I don't care! This stuff is yummy and it makes me feel like I'm treating myself and getting my holier-than-thou H2O at the same time. I drink it warm, I drink it cold, I drink it in a box, I drink it with a fox. And the best part is the price.
Water is expensive. Whether you buy it in bottles, or jugs, or use a filter on your tap, you pay more to avoid lead poisoning and other crazy things. As soon as I can afford it, I want to buy a filter for my tap. I think it's best because of the flouride that's added by the city. I also think it's so cool that PUR has those flavored cartridges. I would totally buy those! But until then, I am really happy with my Sam's Choice water. Try a bottle.
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