Lucky Me

Reagan started with a fever Friday, but I wasn't overly concerned. She's had a stuffy nose for over a week and she's been teething. The runny nose and fever are common when a baby is teething. Besides, she was in a great mood! Saturday, her fever got higher (101.4) so I gave her a couple doses of baby ibuprofen throughout the day. Again, she was her usual jovial self, so I wasn't worried. I started worrying on Sunday when her temperature reached 101.5 and the ibuprofen wasn't helping. Fevers can be very good and they serve a purpose in our bodies, but to let it get that high concerned me. I bathed her a couple times and wiped her down with cool washcloths. Her fever would break and then come back full force.

I took her to the doctor Monday morning. I could tell he thought I was overreacting by bringing her in because she was such a smiley happy baby (this picture was taken Monday afternoon - sure doesn't look sick to me). He checked her breathing, then checked her ears. Hell, ear infection. I had no clue other than the fever. She didn't pull on her ears or have a decreased appetite or act whiny. The doctor asked if she cried at night. Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't she cry? She has a stuffy nose, new teeth and the most obvious reason she would cry - she's a baby. She's fine as soon as there's a boob in her mouth. What he really wanted to know was if she was inconsolably crying, which she wasn't.

That poor baby has been struggling with an ear infection for days (I figure she got the fever at the same time) and I didn't know because she's a happy baby. That's crazy! She's on an antibiotic now. I'd prefer to not give her one, but it's not like conjunctivitis or sinusitis. I wouldn't know if she was better because I can't see it clear up. But what a good baby. She kept her spirits up the whole time. The doctor said it was because she didn't want me to worry. Sweet baby.

Wanted to give an update on the potty training also... it's going great!! Isabella has been in panties for two weeks! Wow!! She's had a couple accidents, but no big deal. She's making huge strides and I'm so proud. We are taking a trip to Myrtle Beach in a month, so that will be interesting - as there are no rest areas on Hwy 17. After Christmas we're going to West Virginia and that will probably be easier since she'll be a total pro by then.

I have the best little girls. I just hope I'm still feeling this way when they're teenagers.

As a mom, I find myself to be more understanding of other moms and more patient with kids who aren't my own. When I hear tragic stories about kids on the news, I ache for them. Sadly, much of what we hear on the news is abuse and neglect. But there are other dramas unfolding all around us. Dramas like the one that came to my attention today. In some ways it came too late, but in other ways, it came just in time.

In checking up on my Facebook friends this morning, I noticed a website link attached to the status of my friend Michelle (thank you again, Michelle). The picture showed a small child in a hospital gown hugging (I assumed) her father. Above the link, Michelle stated the girl was no longer with us and offered a prayer for her and her family. I clicked the link because I just had to know more. What could've happened to take this beautiful baby from her earthly family? The initial page was dated from Monday, and I didn't want to read it. I wasn't ready to read it. I clicked on My Story. It told about a little girl, three and a half years old named Sarabeth. She'd been battling a liver disease since she was three months old.

Knowing how the story ended, I next clicked on the Journal tab. Still unprepared to read about her last days, I clicked the sixth page back and read forward from there. The tears flowed as they flow now. When I got to the second to last entry, I cried and cried. I cried for Sarabeth and for her family. I cried for all the other strong, brave, scared, undeserving children that suffer illnesses and diseases that threaten their lives. I cried for the legions of families that struggle with the death of a child. I cried for Michelle, who lost her sweet Brayden just last year. I cried for my little girls and wished for a million more days with them. I cried as if enough tears could wash away all the pain.

And finally I read the last entry. It stated there would be a memorial for Sarabeth on Wednesday in Mt. Pleasant. Today is Wednesday and I work in Mt. Pleasant. All the time as I read the entries, I did not realize this family was local. Their child was at MUSC Children's Hospital. The memorial will be at 2 this afternoon and I am going. I gathered up all the cash in my wallet and I printed a poem just for them. I'm not staying for the service, but I will pay my respects for a child loved and lost. She will always be loved and thought of with a mixture of sadness and joy. Sarabeth is safe at home in the loving arms of Jesus. Pray for her family. Pray for Sarabeth.


Wanted to quickly tell everyone that I came home yesterday to find that Reagan had somehow sprouted TWO teeth instead of just one as previously indicated. Holy smokes! She's such a good baby that I didn't even know she was teething. She's still nursing, and I haven't noticed her teeth at all. That's a good thing! I'm so excited for her, but I'll miss her gummy grin.

Last night, Bella didn't want to eat her dinner. She wouldn't stay seated at the table and kept yammering on about random things. Anything to keep from sitting with us. Finally, as she stood next to her chair in the dining room asking me questions, I blurted out, "I'm not talking to you anymore until you sit in your chair." And she very calmly replied, "Mommy, you are talking to me." What could I say? Little stinker.

She went to bed early and was asleep by 7:15. Quite unusual, but I thought she might've had a long day with the sitter. She woke around midnight needing to "spit up" as she says. She didn't want to use the toilet so her daddy let her literally spit into the sink. I was thankful that she wasn't throwing up, but Chris mentioned she felt hot. She walked around to my side of the bed and holy cow! She was on fire! From her head to her fingertips to her feet, every inch of her body was fevered. Chris got the Tylenol and when I checked on her a couple hours later as she slept on the floor at the foot of our bed, she was back to normal. Her temperature was slightly elevated again by morning, so we gave her a half-dose of Tylenol. She had a slower gait this morning, but was quite herself.

To make the day a little brighter, Reagan had a special surprise for us this morning! A tooth! Reagan's first tooth broke through last night. I didn't notice it when she nursed, but I couldn't ignore it when she chewed on my knuckle! We're very excited. Chris is leaving town tomorrow for a few days and I'm so happy he was home to see this milestone. She's been gnawing and drooling for so long that we didn't know when to expect her first tooth. She didn't fuss or fever or anything! Little stinker.

I had a great weekend with the kids and a lovely Labor Day with my parents. Went to the water park Saturday with the girls, my mom and one of my nephews (Cullen). The girls had a blast. Chris had to work setting up for Sunday, but he was home in the evening for family time. Sunday my parents, my sister and her family joined us at the BBQ & Bluegrass Festival at Boone Hall Plantation. Since Chris was working the audio, we got free tickets. It was my first time, but it won't be my last. I loved it.

Monday was Labor Day and my dad invited us fishing on his boat. We've never even seen his boat because he keeps it in Moncks Corner, so we were really excited! The girls were all set in their cute little life jackets. We bought our licenses on the way out there and we were ready for a day of fun. It was windy and it made the water rough, but I enjoyed the spray and the bumps. Isabella was not having as much fun as the boat rocked and rolled across the water. The engine cut out a couple of times until it finally locked up. We were stranded. Reagan was happy just to be held, so she was fine, but Bella was scared. A boat passed us and she made a comment about the kids on the boat falling off. I told her the kids didn't fall off the boat and I realized what was wrong. We had seen a boat pulling two kids on a tube and she must've thought they fell off the boat. With the water being so rough, she was afraid of falling into the water. How can a swimmer be afraid of falling into the water? I tried to quelch her fears while we waited for the tow back to the dock. She fell asleep shortly after getting off the boat, but when she woke up, she wanted to "go on the boat with PawPaw". I guess she finally had a good time. Too bad we had to cut it short. Didn't even get to fish.

So that's the fun stuff, now to the not-so-fun stuff. Our air-conditioner finally gave up yesterday. It's probably fifteen years old, so it came as no surprise. We got four different estimates for new systems back in March. I just didn't want to have to spend the money on something we didn't need... and now we need it. Chris got an offer for term life insurance yesterday and we had to make the first years payment on that. Oh, and did I mention our mortgage is due? I never wonder where my money is because I know it's safe in someone else's account.

Today is Chris's birthday. It's impossible to buy something for him without him telling me what he wants. When he wants something, he usually buys it. There has to be a special occasion in the immediate future for him to avoid making purchases for himself. So what did I get him? Nothing. It's pathetic and I feel terrible about it, but he doesn't NEED anything and he's already bought all that he WANTS. So why waste money that we don't have on something that he doesn't want or need? I'm rationalizing because I feel like a jerk for not getting him anything. Ugh. I am a jerk.

Of course I was invited to the preview party for the behind-the-scenes documentary for Fashion Week 2009. Why wouldn't I be invited? I'm hip. I wear maxi dresses and sunglasses too big for my face. I have a bobbed haircut and a fondness for cocktail rings. I read Glamour and Lucky. Oh, wait. I wasn't invited. Chris was invited and took me as his date. Good choice, in my opinion.

The movie was shown at the new Hippodrome theatre downtown (the old IMAX location). It wasn't exactly the most exciting night out, but I laughed and drank Woodchuck and laughed some more. I rubbed elbows with the real fashionistas of Charleston like... um... Ayoka and... um... look, I don't wanna be a name-dropper. The movie was better than those boring documentaries on A&E, but less exciting than the newest episode of Toddlers & Tiaras. I will admit that the alcohol I consumed made me sleepy and I considered closing my eyes. Hey, I have two small children at home. I fight my willpower to take naps at work every day of the week. I was away from my children, in a dark theatre, mildly intoxicated and sleep deprived. Chris should've had to carry my unconscious body out of there.

We picked up the munchkins at my parent's house around 8:15. Obviously it wasn't a late night. We didn't hit up the after-party at Shine. Did I really need to say that? So for about two hours I got to feel like a fashionable woman, instead of a frumpy mom. That alone made the evening worth it.