Reagan started with a fever Friday, but I wasn't overly concerned. She's had a stuffy nose for over a week and she's been teething. The runny nose and fever are common when a baby is teething. Besides, she was in a great mood! Saturday, her fever got higher (101.4) so I gave her a couple doses of baby ibuprofen throughout the day. Again, she was her usual jovial self, so I wasn't worried. I started worrying on Sunday when her temperature reached 101.5 and the ibuprofen wasn't helping. Fevers can be very good and they serve a purpose in our bodies, but to let it get that high concerned me. I bathed her a couple times and wiped her down with cool washcloths. Her fever would break and then come back full force.
I took her to the doctor Monday morning. I could tell he thought I was overreacting by bringing her in because she was such a smiley happy baby (this picture was taken Monday afternoon - sure doesn't look sick to me). He checked her breathing, then checked her ears. Hell, ear infection. I had no clue other than the fever. She didn't pull on her ears or have a decreased appetite or act whiny. The doctor asked if she cried at night. Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't she cry? She has a stuffy nose, new teeth and the most obvious reason she would cry - she's a baby. She's fine as soon as there's a boob in her mouth. What he really wanted to know was if she was inconsolably crying, which she wasn't.
That poor baby has been struggling with an ear infection for days (I figure she got the fever at the same time) and I didn't know because she's a happy baby. That's crazy! She's on an antibiotic now. I'd prefer to not give her one, but it's not like conjunctivitis or sinusitis. I wouldn't know if she was better because I can't see it clear up. But what a good baby. She kept her spirits up the whole time. The doctor said it was because she didn't want me to worry. Sweet baby.
Wanted to give an update on the potty training also... it's going great!! Isabella has been in panties for two weeks! Wow!! She's had a couple accidents, but no big deal. She's making huge strides and I'm so proud. We are taking a trip to Myrtle Beach in a month, so that will be interesting - as there are no rest areas on Hwy 17. After Christmas we're going to West Virginia and that will probably be easier since she'll be a total pro by then.
I have the best little girls. I just hope I'm still feeling this way when they're teenagers.
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