An article in Time Magazine online addresses the importance of breastmilk and milk-sharing.
Move Over, Milk Banks. Facebook Ramps Up Milk Sharing As the article states, milk-sharing is nothing new. Wet nurses have been around for ages, but with medicines and disease so prevalent in our time, there's a lot of fear around milk-sharing. Milk banks are so expensive because they have to screen and pasteurize the milk to avoid giving anything but perfect and pure milk to the babies. Unfortunately, that can also kill good bacteria and antibodies in the milk that help strengthen those baby immune systems. So it really is best to get it straight "from the tap" if you can. I would absolutely milk-share, but I don't make enough to pump anymore. I think if someone came to me in desperation, I would nurse their baby. Reagan still gets plenty of milk at almost 21 months old. Being a working/nursing mom is tough, but I would take on the responsibilities of nursing another child if someone needed me. It's hard for moms to ask for help, so if a mother comes to you and makes this request, this tells you several things: she is desperate, she trusts you, she is making a last-ditch effort before resorting to something bovine or soy. I support you Emma and Eats on Feets!
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